The London Report: Slather Brand Foods at IFE

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Taking Slatherin’ Sauce to The International Food & Drink Event in London was a thrill! It would have been fun to have taken all of our friends with us to London, but since you couldn’t go there with me, I thought I’d share all the news and reactions.
We arrived early and took a few days to explore and get settled into the time change. We had so much fun adventuring around London.
One of the great highlights of my trip was a visit to Jamie Oliver’s restaurant in Canary Wharf. The chef signed a menu for us and is excited to be be getting his own bottle of Slatherin’ Sauce that was delivered to him after the show! We dined on large green olives from Puglia with Jamie’s’ special sundried tomato tapenade and crisp Sardinian Music bread, scallops with squid ink angel hair pasta, prosciutto, pear,and pecorino salad, and South Coast Frito Misto mixed crispy fried fresh fish of the day served with tartar sauce and lemon…plate included whole large prawns and sardines…delicious!!!…all this enjoyed with a lovely Prosecco from Jamie’s special cellar…Who need champagne?
We went to Central London to explore Parliament and Westminster. The architecture and sculptures took my breath away. It was a very exciting time to be in London..everything was abuzz with plans for the Royal Wedding..Kate is so lovely!!! I am so excited for them. Just as I was glued to the TV when the beloved Diana married the Prick of Wales so will I be glued to it when the beautiful Prince William marries the lovely and graceful Kate Middleton.
On Saturday, I set up the booth.. then it was nothing but serious work. I must admit it was a bit intimidating when I walked into the Grand Hall to find my display area within Southern US Trade Association. But once I got my booth set-up and saw how wonderful it looked, I was ready!
The exhibition was a blast! Slatherin’ Sauce was a run-away hit with hundreds who came by and tasted (hey, it might have even been in the thousands!) Our biggest new fans came from three different sections of the culinary world. Owners of curry shops were wild for Slatherin’ Sauce. They loved the flavor that Slatherin’ Sauce added to their Indian dishes.
Did you know that TexMex is a growing trend in popular cuisine in the UK? Neither did I! But we learned that TexMex restaurants owners thought Slatherin’ Sauce was the perfect companion sauce for all their Texican dishes.
Finally, we had lots of tastings sessions with food service professionals who found the flavor profile of Slatherin’ Sauce was something they want to offer their diners as a finishing sauce to add flavor at the table.
After three jam packed days of talking about Slatherin’ Sauce, we packed up everything and caught our plane for home.
Hopefully in the coming months, Slatherin’ Sauce will be available at many locations in the UK and I’ll be reflecting on all the wonderful days we spent, Slatherin’ It On in London!