Thankful and Humbled

Thank you all for coming out and supporting us yesterday at Taco Spot. I am truly amazed by the turnout and the responses we got about Slatherin’ Sauce…and always humbled!!!! Despite the fact that the weather was so dismal, we had a great response and I think everyone had a good time. Lindsey and Jason of The Taco Spot did a fantastic job with the food.
We’ll have some photos posted from the event up on our Facebook page in the coming days. So, be on the lookout for those and tag yourself and your friends.
I especially loved meeting Pastor Chris and his son Chris (below) whose church will be having a mega Easter Egg drop this Easter time. Pastor Chris said, “Awesome people/awesome product!” They invited Slatherin’ Sauce to be there for the drop and so we’ll be coordinating that with them in the coming months.
We also had the pleasure of meeting JasonCZ (his Twitter handle) who took a photo of himself in his shirt that we gave him. Jason has the most lovely family, who were with him on Saturday.
I also want to say a very special thank you to my team who helped make the day awesome. Here is my right-hand and VP of Sales, Cheryl Savage! Cheryl thought of so much to make this event special. I jokingly call myself, the Queen of Slather and Cheryl the Princess of Slather.
Thank you again for supporting our efforts and making Slatherin’ Sauce a recognized brand!