The Taco Spot Slathers It On!
Happy Fourth of July!
I’m so happy to live here in the Lowcountry of South Carolina! Our state has an interesting history because we were one of the original 13 Colonies in America.
Today, we’ll all be celebrating our forefathers’ adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. I hope each of you, no matter what your political affiliation, will take a moment with your friends and family members and read aloud the text of the Declaration and realize exactly how blessed we are today to have had such wise people helping to found our nation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Then get out there and celebrate, sing the national anthem and hug your family, swim in the ocean, sail your boat, help a neighbor, and embody the truth of our freedom in your everyday actions!
Photo credit: Declaration, Wikipedia; Fireworks flickr user anthonycramp
Father’s Day in my family
As Father’s Day approaches and the market is flooded with gift giving ideas to make those special men in our lives feel loved and appreciated, I am reminded of my beloved father, Earl Henry Rhea. The perfect gifts for Daddy were a box of Sophie Mae Peanut Brittle, a can of Prince Albert tobacco, and a package of new undershirts.
Father’s Day was always celebrated by going to church with Momma and Daddy followed by a magnificent picnic in the backyard. My Father was a native Charlestonian and we were true Southerners feasting on fried chicken, red rice, potato salad, butter beans and okra, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, homemade lemonade, and hand churned peach ice cream.
The celebration always ended with Daddy opening 1 of his 6 boxes of Sophie Mae (There were 6 kids and no matter what else we bought him…we all bought him Sophie Mae). He would give each of us one piece and maybe two if we asked but he never opened more than 1 box. These were his private stash and rightfully so. He never asked for much and gave unselfishly… he deserved it.
This Father’s Day I will be celebrating in the same style that is reminiscent of those wonderful times growing up. I will be hosting a backyard picnic in honor of three special fathers who grace my life and give me reason to celebrate this joyous day: Curtis Mitchell, Dustin Barnes and Craig Snyder, (at left holding his daughter and my granddaughter, Carolyn Grace). And as always I will do what I have done for at least the past 50 years. I will purchase a box of Sophie Mae Peanut Brittle, eat a piece, and lovingly remember Daddy.
Memorial Day—More than Grilling and Swimming
Perhaps you are planning to share time with family, neighbors and friends this long weekend that is our annual turn into summertime activities. But, are you planning to take time to remember and recognize those for whom this holiday was established to honor?
The history of Memorial Day
This holiday is set aside to remember those who died in service of our country’s armed forces. It was originally called Declaration Day and there are many stories of how it got started. Following the Civil War (or the War Between the States), faithful families decorated the graves of soldiers. Both Confederate and Union solders’ graves were decorated in each area of the country with the first national Decoration Day happening in Arlington Cemetery on May 30, 1868. Charleston has a significant and interesting connection with the early recognition of war dead.
Following World War I and in response to the now famous poem, “In Flanders Fields”, Moina Michael, wrote a poem of response referencing the wearing of poppies to remember war dead.
When I was growing up, there was always a campaign by the VFW to sell poppies and use the funds to help veterans. I remember how everyone wore those paper poppies. I wish they were still sold and worn.
Perhaps this Memorial Day, you can wear a red ribbon to signify that you remember.
How will you and your family remember those whose lives ended in sacrifice and support of our country?
Please share with me what you will do.
Photo Credit: Child in poppy field, flickr user mollypop, red poppy in hands, VFW Buddy Poppy
The Taco Spot Slathers It On!

Local Charleston Favorite The Taco Spot is a fan of Slatherin’ Sauce. They have both our Original Recipe and our Spicy Recipe available to add to their killer tacos.
To help them celebrate their 2nd anniversary, Chef Robin Rhea says she “will donate 96 jars of “minis” for you to give away as party favors…Congratulations!!!!!!” So come on out and enjoy some of the best tacos in Charleston and get a party favor of a Slatherin’ Sauce mini.
Plan to meet up your friends and celebrate…because who doesn’t need a reason to celebrate?