Honored by The Red Thread
The Local Palate Features Slatherin’ Sauce
We’re pleased to be featured in the The Local Palate’s blog post. In case you haven’t heard of this delicious publication, the magazine is just over a year old. It is a wonderful compendium of articles, recipes, reviews, and insights into the food and beverages of our Southern region. You can count on the magazine to keep you informed of the best in culinary goodness emanating from The South.
The Local Palate’s Sydni Hebert writes,
Here at TLP, we have been taste testing bar-b-q sauces and think we may have found our favorite. Ever heard of Slather Brand Slatherin’ Sauce? If not, you need to get your hands on some ASAP!
We provided them with the recipe for our Original Slather Burger ®, our signature scrumptious hamburger, which Syndi thinks is just the ticket for Super Bowl eaters. Read the entire blog post at The Local Palate, or get the recipe right here on our website.
Slatherin’ Sauce included in Gear Patrol’s “Roundup: 10 Off-the-Shelf Sauces and Marinades”
Gear Patrol Includes Slatherin’ Sauce
Well, pardon us while we puff our collective chests out in pride. Gear Patrol, in an article by Jeremy Berger has recommended Slatherin’ Sauce as one of their 10 selected “off-the-shelf” sauces. The digital publication states that they are,
…a modern take on the men’s magazine, blending the core advantages of the best print publications — high quality, visually forward design and an engaging mix of tailored editorial content. Staffed by a dedicated team of intelligent and irreverent writers, each inspired by their own lifelong passions and dispatched across the world, Gear Patrol provides a daily mix of insights and in-depth features on its core tenets of adventure, gear and design.
Gear Patrol is one of the most popular male oriented digital publications with many reading the pub for insights into a whole host of guy gear from watches to iPad sleeves to electric motorcycles. Gear Patrol writes about cool stuff guys want.
Being part of such a superior coterie gives us a sizzle, just like a good steak on the grill. Thanks gentlemen for including Slatherin’ Sauce in your roundup. We’re delighted to be part of such an esteemed ensemble.
Photos courtesy of Gear Patrol’s founder and photographer Eric Yang
Slather Brand Foods in CharlestonCurrents.com
CharlestonCurrents.com the “twice-weekly publication that offers insightful community comment and good news on events, accolades and accomplishments” features the great accolades and news Slatherin’ Sauces and Slather Brand Foods have received in the recent months.
Thanks, Charleston Currents!

Honored by The Red Thread
The Original Slatherin’ Sauce’s creative packaging was recognized by The Red Thread, newsletter of Dragon Rouge, billed as “the leading privately owned brand consultancy in the world with global offices and cross-category expertise.”
Slatherin’ Sauce was singled out in the section of the newsletter labeled Trends.
“foundations — Slather Foods Slatherin’ Sauce
Slatherin’ Sauce’s vintage type is nostalgic while its tagline “the cure for boring food” reinvents tradition through a more contemporary lens, allowing consumers to shift from the complex reality of today towards a simpler time.”
Thank you Dragon Rouge for recognizing our roots.