Slatherin’ Sauce on Shelves at The Fresh Market

Coming soon to a Fresh Market near you!
Creating, marketing and representing Slatherin’ Sauce is what I’m passionate about. It is my way to bring what I value in life to tables across the country. Over the last 18 months, I’ve had one of the most ambitious journeys of my career and life, and it continues to be way more than interesting!
One phone call and an order later, it’s confirmed: Slatherin’ Sauce is now going to be sold at The Fresh Market. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!
So, all of you who’ve been looking for Slatherin’ Sauce in your area: we are adding more than 100 stores to the locations where Slatherin’ Sauce is sold, so one is bound to be near you. And undoubtedly, as The Fresh Market grows, you’ll find Slatherin’ Sauce in ever increasing locations.
We share Southern roots
The Fresh Market’s story is one of inventiveness and creativity. Late last year the Greensboro, North Carolina company had an IPO that resulted in huge interest.
“In the past ten years, The Fresh Market has tripled its store base to one hundred stores. Considering only three states, Florida (24 stores), Georgia (15 stores) and North Carolina (10 stores) comprise 49% of their store base, the rest of the United States offers ample ground for expansion…”
It may be a few weeks until the our distinctive bottles appear on the shelves of your Fresh Market, but keep looking for it, and by all means, ask!
Photo credit: flickr user NatalieMaynor