Slather Brand Foods Sponsors “Rub My Rib”
September 3, 2011//Comments Off on Slather Brand Foods Sponsors “Rub My Rib”

Y’all know I love fun events and this one which starts with a great sense of humor is one we know will be a stand-out.
Rub My Rib to benefit Communities in Schools
As a former teacher, it’s important to me that all children get the education that helps them be the best people they can be. Communities in Schools does just that by helping at-risk youth to remain in school.
There will be a rib cook-off with local restaurants vying for two titles and bragging rights. My mouth is watering now just imagining the moist, tasty morsels plucked from those smoky ribs.
What are you waiting for? Go ahead and register (FREE) for Rub My Rib and look for our Slatherin’ Sauce to be Slatherin’ It On in support of education for all!