Anne Howe Slathers It On

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Anne Howe, better known as @ShopperAnnie on Twitter is a shopper marketing consultant who authors The Shopper Annie Blog. Anne’s become a raving fan of Slatherin’ Sauce and she’s turned her culinary talents to creating some wonderful recipes using Slatherin’ Sauce.
Anne and her family are prepping for a wedding and they are planning to use Slatherin’ Sauce on their meatballs at the reception.
When they were visiting Hilton Head in November 2010, they created their own version of Slathered Burgers. In photos above you can see Anne and her husband in their Slatherin’ Tees as they prep the burgers.
Anne wrote this recipe:
“Amazing burger test with Slather Sauce. We mixed 50/50 ground chuck and round. Added 2 shredded whole wheat bread crusts, large clove chopped garlic, 1 egg and 1 cup regular Slather Sauce. Mix well and form the burgers. No grill at the Hilton Head condo, so we broiled in oven. We added sliced Alpine Swiss on the burgers right before they came out from the broiler, and served with well-caramelized sweet onions. Oh so juicy! Most of our group slathered their buns with the spicy sauce to add an extra dimension of flavor! AMAZING!”